Beek Bowl 2024

Celebrating the end of the financial year with the annual Beek Bowl.

At Beek Build, we believe in the power of enjoying the journey together. To celebrate the end of the financial year, our team came together for the much-anticipated annual ten-pin bowling tournament, the Beek Bowl. This event has become a cherished tradition, showcasing our commitment to building a strong and vibrant culture.

This year’s Beek Bowl was filled with fun and excitement as we introduced some quirky twists to level the playing field. Participants faced unique challenges, from bowling with their non-dominant hands to rolling the ball between their legs. To add an extra layer of amusement, we incorporated joker cards that allowed players to add or subtract points from their competitors’ scores, making each round unpredictable.

We value every opportunity to bring our team together, reinforcing our belief in enjoying the journey, not just the destination.

After a challenging first round, our estimator, Boris made a second-round comeback, earning the honor of having his name engraved on our office trophy.

The Beek Bowl is more than just a fun event; it embodies our core values and commitment to building a cohesive and motivated team. By creating these memorable experiences, we strengthen our bonds and foster a sense of unity that translates into our daily work. At Beek Build, we understand that a happy, engaged team is the foundation of our success.

As we look back on another successful financial year, we are filled with gratitude for our dedicated team. Here’s to many more celebrations, achievements, and shared journeys ahead.